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aquatics, architecture, Austin Aquatic Center, Austin Aquatic Design, Austin Master Plan Design, master plan, YMCA Austin Architect, YMCA Austin Design
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  AUSTIN AQUATIC CENTER | architecture, master planning   The building form responds to existing patterns of circulation found in early site analysis. The building location was defined by these early studies, where the pools orientation were establis

AUSTIN AQUATIC CENTER | architecture, master planning

The building form responds to existing patterns of circulation found in early site analysis. The building location was defined by these early studies, where the pools orientation were established, and buffer zones were identified, along with circulation nodes, and corridor views. The design expresses a Euclidean geometry resting beneath an organic structure emerging from the landscape, creating an architecture of nature rather than in nature. The plan is transparent allowing light, sound, breeze and pedestrians to pass through organically. This undulating structure represents the concept of “connection”; the design becomes a connector merging architecture with landscape, serving as a transition to the city, and linking the Lake and trails with the Austin Aquatic Center. The structure rises gently from the landscape, with openness and permeability that encourages participation from all. It functions as both a living bridge and unifying datum, bending down to the earth to invite all manner of visitors to experience the Austin Aquatic Center and Lady Bird Lake in a unique way. Visitors can overlook the pools during competition meets, watch shows and concerts hosted at the plaza, gather to enjoy fireworks at the lake, or simply gaze at the urban skyline.

Client: YMCA of Austin
Location: Townlake YMCA, Austin, TX
Completion date: unbuilt

Awards: TSA Design Award 2013, Excellence in Design - Unbuilt; AIA Austin Design Awards 2012, Excellence in Design